Feel variable the water level of the water. Cảm biến đo chất lỏng . Set up of the water, oil, chemical, and water thải. Cam bien phat hien muc nuoc dau hoa chat nuoc thai. The full level CLS-23N. Feel the report of the total of the water, water exhaust, chemical, the oil … Cảm biến detection the water of the water of CLS-23N Dinel. The CLS-23N chất lỏng, chất lỏng.

Feel of the water detection

In the hosts of the host, use the use of the variable for the current of the quality or the quality of the given, the popular variable. Each the application can be may be be a suit. For the heavy quality has large volume as: stone; xi măng, sand …, like the same rotation rotation. For against liquid in: water; water removal, chemical, oil … or the solid data as: cám, bột … use the power like the power like; power, cund will reo the high precision.

Feel variable the water level of the water of power of the power or is invoked with the power of the current quality. This rule can be used to be report, report your water, oil, water discard, chemical with the output is the PNP relay relay bind device is different.

Feel variable the water level of CLS-23N

Feel variable the water level of CLS-23N

On field field has more many state maker. However, large output xuất xứ Trung Quốc with low quality and the low precision. Feel of the water level of the CLS-23N of the Dinel CLS-23N is high precision, physical with the good anti inox anti.

Ngoài ra, model CLS-23N của Dinel has been able to install pen sensor. Que count of the length variable from 30mm to 1000mm should be we can mount from the tank top or mount on the tank body, pipe … Water of the current sensor PWP conflict using the relay relay 24Vdc.

Exposure of the current sensor sensor of the water thải

As images on, for the output PNP they have a footer BN is footer, footer foot foot and foot BK are footing the output.

  • Source provided: 24 Vdc
  • Queue length: 30mm …. 1000mm
  • Response time: 100ms
  • Install Sensitivity
  • Output: PNP
  • Ren connection: G1 / 2 “
  • Temperature temperature: -30 .. + 150 độ C
  • Xuất xứ: Dinel – CH SÉC

LEPP set the current water filter of the CLS-23N of the given of the CLS-23N such as any?

Set the current detection sensor for the water of discard

Do cảm biến detect Mức nước dầu hóa chất nước thải CLS-23N là dạng công tắc and will have độ nhạy cao. Do đó, when mounting need to be used for water or other environment does not be do incorrect que do not incorrect. Ngoài ra, CLS-23N connection is ren, when mount to need to expand to tank. As images on, we can see some few mount mount can be bad error.

Variable sensor use for 1 tank; tank contains common 2 cái to fit full and medium. However, option that that the event that may be used to be more or more than.

Abstract, sensor the water level of the water of CLS-23N of the Dinel is most suitable in the liquid quality, quality in the industry. Please contact them to them them more details:

Công ty TNHH Kỹ Thừa t Tự độ ng Hư ng Ph á t

Quản lý bán hàng

Kỹ Đ IE n

0972 56 05 06 – Ông Thành

Mail:  thanh.nguyen@huphaco.vn

Website:   www.vandieukhien.vn

Đ / C: Rosita Khang Điền; Phường Phú Hữu, Q9, TP.HCM